
Robber RabbitRobber RabbitRobber Rabbit

Robber Rabbit : The Scaryduck Brain Dump

Friday, February 11, 2005

The Blacksmith's Song

Just so you know what the bloody hell I'm on about in The Other Place:

The blacksmith told me before he died
And I've no reason to believe he lied
That no matter how hard he tried and tried
His wife was never satisfied

So he built a bloody big wheel
And harnessed it to a prick of steel
Two balls of brass were filled with cream
And the whole bloody issue was driven by steam

Round and round went the bloody big wheel
In and out went the prick of steel
Until at last the maiden cried
"Enough, enough! I'm satisfied!"

Now here comes the crucial bit
There was no way of stopping it
And she was split from arse to tit
And the whole bloody issue was covered with shit.

posted by Alistair Coleman at 8:01 AM

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